Sunday, August 10, 2014

the worst part of the interwebz are these types of blogs- those obnoxious, pointless, self-serving diary/journal type of blogs. They meander through the halls of stranger's minds and cough up random, useless subjects without proper order and lack a total usefulness to any reader. At least (some of) mine have research-backed information. Most don't even have original information (cough cough GUILTY) and just regurgitate the thoughts/posts/information of others or use links. I am part of the problem. Ugh.....


It could be worse. Despite the illness of our society that tells women their only worth- despite whatever they might accomplish and contribute to humanity- can always be surmised by the size of their waist and the youthful and "attractiveness" of their appearance ---as judged by white(often), middle/upper class men, particularly looking for the reproductive age bracket.

Eleanor Roosevelt has less value than [insert latest Hollywood debutant here- since they always age-out the names are always changing], Jane Goodall -British primatologist and ethologist, widely considered to be the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees also can be summed up as forgettable, being "old" and not up to par with the standards of American beauty.   I want to reach my potential. I want to use my God-given talents to create the largest impact possible on the world. I want to leave the world a better place for the succeeding generations- God knows they need some more positive contributions. I want to love mightily, and make a trail that I can stand back afterwards and say, "yes, despite all the many stones, thorns, wounds, and hardships, I rose up anyway. I was indomitable- my way." I want to show the strength compassion has over violence.
Oh, I'm not a pacifist and I actually like controlled violence in the form of sport like Rugby and boxing. And I think people shouldn't take themselves too seriously. A sense of humor can be a life-saving attribute. Still, there seems to be a misconception that brash, selfish, thoughtless and unkind people are the strongest- that cruel or at least not weighing the effect of one's actions on others is what strength looks like- when in fact a true definition of strength is deeper than that. The strongest is not the one who can enforce their will on others but the one who endures that very same treatment, overcomes it, outlives or lives greater than the one who perpetrated that treatment and changes the world towards ending the source of the causes and conditions that created the tyrant in the first place.

I have things to do on this planet, in this lifetime. If at times I appear to subscribe to the beauty ideal or not doesn't matter to me at all. My worth is so far beyond all that nonsense. If  men are stupid enough to be brainwashed by their environment to cheat themselves of ever having the benefits of a true life partner than that is their folly. I respect man-kind and have faith that not all men are that ignorant or gullible. And I, admittedly, having focused elsewhere, have also ran from effective partner-finding strategies. I have rejected the status quo but not replaced it with anything.

Still, it's not "how do I find a partner?" but rather "This is where I'm going, so if I end up choosing a partner or visa-versa, then they are going to come with me."

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