Saturday, September 29, 2012

no matter what

Let me make one thing perfectly clear at the start: 
I wanted you. I wanted you more than life itself. I wanted you more than anything that had ever come before or would ever come after. Even more than that, I had always wanted you for as long as I can remember. I believe in every woman’s right to have reproductive choice but I had never been faced with the choice myself. When I was lying on my bed, crying so hard vessels ruptured from the strain and my stomach ached from the effort, crying because I was so close to you and I was dying with the thought that I probably couldn’t keep you, probably shouldn't keep you, probably would not be able to have you, even though I wanted you more than my very breath, that I realized I could choose. And I did.  I chose you. Whatever it was going to take, I chose you. Whatever consequences would come I would bear them. You see, I was your momma, and I already loved you very, very much. 

I'm sorry your Daddy doesn't feel the same way. But I love you so very very much. And I hope my love will be enough to fill you up and make you whole. 
I kept you because I wanted you. 

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