Wednesday, July 13, 2011

For Those Intrested In Sustainability

I recommend this movie (30+min, a companion to a book of same name)

I haven't read the book, but the documentary was short, informative, and inspiring.

I am reminded by this that I am often placed in a sustainable, or more sustainable positions than others, simply because of my economic level and lifestyle choices.

I could lament the details of this or I could promote them further.

For example: I did not have a driver's license until I was 25 years old. I have since had vehicles for several years until this year. That's five years of driving.

What my experiences around this have taught me is that
A) You can LIVE without a vehicle.
B) It's harder! And it requires forethought and preparation ie. researching the weather, having proper equipment, investing in a proper bicycle.
C) It's healthier! I am more connected to my body. (And what a fiiiiine body that is! hehehehe).

I am moving to San Francisco and I hope this will make getting around easier, without a vehicle, but to be honest, getting around is doable now. And I'm not using my bicycle at all.

There a lot of programs in SF to tap into.

In fact, all I have to do is be willing to step out a bit and I'll find a whole world available, I just have to be willing to be new and awkward at certain things.

This car-situation often is the foundation for a host of other sustainability choices as well.
I can only buy as many groceries as I can carry, so I often eat fresh vegetables, rather than a lot of boxed or frozen/canned foods.

And, while I'm at it, why not eat organic, fancy pants rich people veges? So, I do. Because I can.

I can't accumulate a lot of things, simply because I have to carry them home.

And you become much more conscious about your things. Simply because if I want to get rid of things I can't bag them up and take them somewhere. I have to organize help.

I am also a very proud, very self-reliant, solitary person. This lifestyle has kept me in contact with people, humble, and open. I don't mind helping others out but I don't want to ask for help. Screw that! But, in this way, I am letting people in, get to know me, and the only thing disturbing about it is my feeling that somehow I'm less than because of it.

I have no great summary-wrap up for this post so...

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