Thursday, December 30, 2010

And now for Something completly different!!!

Something Positive!
Here's a picture of strange people skipping.
I realize I whine in this blog a lot. So here's 10 good things:

1. The Gigantic bowl of spaghetti waiting in the fridge for me, right now.

2. The new canvas my friend- who helped me make, -and eat, said spaghetti- is going to drop off .

3. The acrylics/oil pastels, brushes, etc that was found today- that I had believed lost through moves, are out and awaiting this fancy new canvas.

4. The sound of Otis Redding radio on Pandora

5. The fact that I have finally broken into Jazz music- after years of knowing there was defintley good shit there- but only knowing a few blues/jazz singers- the NAMES- basically- I am finally being exposed and loving -Jazz. My Grandfather would be proud.

6. Uhhhhm..... I have legs. That is a good thing. Here's a random picture of legs.

Famous ones too, from Haight and Ashbury.

7. I got paid recently, was able to get quite a bit of work. Money's good.

8. I have food, clothing, shelter. I live in California- in a place many people vacation at. I can see 100 year old redwoods or the ocean or creeks if I so desire. 

9. God graced me with everything I need to survive, and survive gracefully if I so choose, which, I'll admit, I don't always choose.

10. All my dreams are still possibilities.
What do I want? 

The three top things are
1) Be a published author- screenplay into film, novels, short story, play, poetry. I'll admit my poetry leaves much to be desired, but I can write a play like a muthafuckah. And you wanna see script. Shit. I got some ready to go now. You couldn't hand;e the drama I write. I call it hardcore-drama. Like gritty real-life shit. Very inspired by Italian Neo-Realism- as well as French New Wave, and *cough* QuentinTarantino (and all the motherfuckers who stole from him,---and all the motherfuckers he STOLE from)

2. Be  a wife and mother.   
Don't hate. 
It's the truth. I've been very conscious of not bringing a child into this world - when I couldn't take care of myself- but someday- I hope to have children that I can give everything I didn't get- be that Mom that I never had.
And to be the kind of wife that I never saw modeled at home or in the hood. The rub your back after a hard day kind a woman.

3. Travel. 
Through the InCiters I have gotten to do this a little- Hope we do more Euro tours.
But I have other places I want to go.
Ireland, Jamaica, Rwanda.
I want to work in orphanages and stuff across Africa. THAT has been a dream of mine since I was ten or so. I used to have these crazy dreams about: rescuing a baby in some war zone- running behind a boulder- getting all shot up and dieing but being able to hand the baby into it's mother's arms.... hahaha. Ah, I guess you call that being a Martyr. *shakes head*

What do I want: Paint more, write more, dance more. I want a good camera and show the world what I see. I want to submit more of my literary work. I CAN do all this shit. I just have to actually DO it!!!

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